Current owner

The current owner endpoint will return the following information:

  • Domain name (String)
  • Domain key (String)
  • Domain token mint: The mint of the NFT representing the domain if it is tokenized (String)
  • Domain auction key: The key of the auction state associated to the domain (String)
  • Owner key: The key of the current owner of the domain (String)
  • Availability ID: The enum described here (Option<i16>)
  • Price: The price of the domain if the domain is available (Option<f32>)
  • Quote mint: The mint in which the domain is quoted if it is available
  • Fixed price key: The key of current fixed price offer if it exists (Option<String>)

To search for domains that match a certain keywaord (e.g 00):

curl \
  -X POST '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-binary '{
    "q": "00" <- You keywords

  "hits": [
      "domain_name": "00",
      "id": "00",
      "domain_key": "4oZe4sxw1cSbm4KoiukMs6FSG6zW8rzKgkLDPQd5Gk6Q",
      "domain_token_mint": "HWDX6pDdb3mp2223PzLccezouex1m4LLEw9GTjV85Rkx",
      "domain_auction_key": "ctPQ35SSXvti38NmNYmwy9Lk4EtyxHMZViVNSZNTPUo",
      "owner_key": "5Aw5mkykrqMj8tbqzKVrgBW79w26ha1ELe3zj6ZKYz4b",
      "availability_id": null,
      "price": null,
      "quote_mint": null,
      "fixed_price_offer_account": null
  "query": "",
  "processingTimeMs": 0,
  "limit": 20,
  "offset": 0,
  "estimatedTotalHits": 1000

The search feature is typo tolerent

Simple UI integration

Below is a simple React hook example

import axios from "axios";
import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";

export interface Item {
  domain_name: string;
  id: string;
  domain_key: string;
  domain_token_mint: string;
  domain_auction_key: string;
  owner_key: string | null | undefined;
  availability_id: number | null | undefined;
  price: number | null | undefined;
  quote_mint: string | null | undefined;
  fixed_price_offer_account: string | null | undefined;

export interface Result {
  hits: Item[];
  query: string;
  processingTimeMs: number;
  limit: number;
  offset: number;
  estimatedTotalHits: number;

const URL = "";

export const useDomainAutoSuggest = (domain: string) => {
  const [result, setResult] = useState<Item[] | undefined>(undefined);
  const mounted = useRef(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    const fn = async () => {
      const payload = { q: domain };

      const { data }: { data: Result } = await, payload, {
        headers: {
          "Content-type": "application/json",

      if (mounted.current) {

      return () => (mounted.current = false);
  }, [domain]);

  return result;