
Returns a ready-to-sign, base64-encoded transaction object to register a new SNS domain.


  • domain string required: The domain name.
  • buyer string required: The base58-encoded Solana public key of the buyer's paying wallet.
  • buyer_token_account string required: The base58-encoded Solana public key of the buyer's paying token account.
  • space integer required: The number of bytes to allocate in the new registered domain.
  • mint string optional: The Solana public key of the Token mint used for payment, defaults to EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v (USDC).
  • referrer_key string optional: The base58-encoded Solana public key of the registration referrer.


The result will be an RPCResponse JSON object with field:

  • result string: The base64-encoded Solana Transaction object.